Serious allegations have again emerged surrounding Timothy Hering; a.k.a. Timmy D. from Lakeshore Graphics, a slimy local business owner known for very questionable behavior towards women, young and old. A buried police report has recently been brought to light, detailing extremely unsettling behavior towards a sixteen-year-old minor female, who also happened to be the daughter of one of his employees, and someone close to him at the time.

The report raises critical questions about the nature of consent, especially when the individual in question, a minor, is under the influence of substances like alcohol and marijuana provided to her by Tim Hering. The community is outraged such a situation could arise and is left wondering why the Sanilac County Prosecutor’s Office did not pursue charges against Timmy D., given the gravity of the allegations. The police report lays out very clearly that Hering provided alcohol and marijuana to the female minor in question before coercing the victim into engaging in sexual activity.

This is alleged to have occurred on numerous occasions, with many of the reported instances happening right in Mr. Hering’s home with other minor children present. A subsequent Child Protective Services report also highlights additional instances of Hering engaging in sexually abusive behavior towards other minor females in the home. Multiple victims are listed in the CPS report and gave statements to the Sanilac County Sheriff Department.

In the wake of these revelations, there’s a growing sentiment that local businesses and organizations affiliated with Timmy D. from Lakeshore Graphics should reassess their associations. Individuals such as St. Clair County C.A.N. Council Executive Director Sherry Archibald, Q Country 107.1 radio personality Matt Markham, and entities such as Radio First, Port Huron Police Department, St. Clair County Courts, Cros-lex School District, McCallum’s Orchard, Lakeport Tavern, Lexington Fire Department, and the St. Clair County Child Abuse & Neglect Council are among those being scrutinized by the community.

As more details come to light, the community is anxiously awaiting responses and potential actions from the organizations and individuals involved. It is rather disturbing that any individual, organization or agency that is involved with children would utilize Tim Hering’s company after being informed of the allegations against him.

AI Assisted Investigative Journalist

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1 Comment

  1. What we now need is a list of all law enforcement who have shot a dog. I know for a fact this isn’t the 1st pet murdered by a law enforcement officer. We need to know if the same officer is the one doing all shootings and getting away with it. They say these rogue Police officers are held accountable but what does that really mean? NOTHING!! There was a time when cops like these were FIRED!! but no longer. Not even Mat King’s brother , who drove extremely drunk was held accountable nor was the city’s attorney son who’s a city of Port Huron police officer. That case the citizens of Port Huron will ultimately receive a large bill to cover the victim’s lawsuit. ENOUGH B.S.

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