Josh Conant was murdered.
And his death occurred while in the custody of the Port Huron Police Department.
It is clearly listed as such in the report submitted by Michigan State Police following their investigation into the matter.

Despite widely viewed video and eyewitness accounts of Josh’s murder, his family is still waiting on the anticipated criminal indictments naming all responsible parties involved in his tragic killing.
Questions Surround Officer Chelsea Koehn’s Actions and Accountability
First on that list is PHPD Ofc. Chelsea Koehn.
While Koehn was erroneously cleared by her own inept department, and found to have not violated any departmental policies, despite the fact that her department issued body-cam was not on during her involvement in the altercation that ultimately led to Josh’s death, many in the community feel that she bears the most responsibility in the situation.

Her failure to properly assess and intervene in the altercation is obvious when you view the unsettling footage of bystander videos secured as evidence in the completed investigation. At no time does Koehn direct any of Josh’s attackers to cease their assaultive behavior, including while she herself was kneeling on him and saying those magic words that many officers mutter while attempting to take individuals into custody………….“Stop Resisting”.
Two words.
And the phrase that poorly trained police officers like Chelsea Koehn attempt to rely upon to shield them from a multitude of misconduct accusations and criminal charges, up to, and including, murder.
But even in the most favorable version of events for Koehn, any “resisting” that Josh may have been doing was in response to the brutal attack he was enduring while being “restrained” by Roche Bar security staff members Mark Kern, Jason Sontag, and Don Hodgins. Also involved in the altercation was co-owner Karl Gibbs, and additional bar employee Mark Williams.
The scene that Ofc. Koehn arrived upon involved three men moments away from killing a 26-year-old young man who was out having fun with his friends, and in response, she not only failed to take control of the situation and save Josh Conant’s life, but instead piled on top of him with the men, where she then placed him in handcuffs prior to ultimately killing him.

Subsequent Alleged DUI Incident Raises Further Concerns
Shockingly, just a few days after her involvement in the murder of Joshua Conant, per a report by Michigan State Police, Ofc. Koehn was involved in a suspected drunk driving accident that resulted in her abandoning her personal vehicle in a ditch on Wadham’s Rd just north of I-94 in Kimball Twp.
Koehn’s mother was ultimately charged and convicted after it was discovered that she lied to investigators by claiming that she had been the driver of the vehicle. Chelsea Koehn herself has never been charged in this incident.

Bystander Videos Contradict Official Statements
In one specific video clip provided to police, viewers see an unidentified bar staff member assaulting Conant outside of the bar property while on a public sidewalk just prior to Koehn’s arrival. The video is graphic and negates any self-defense claims by Roche Bar staff.
In another video, various other staff members are seen in the road and on the sidewalk threatening and preventing bystanders from intervening in the situation.
Josh Conant’s toxicology results revealed no illegal substances, or abnormal findings.
To date, no toxicology results for the involved bar staff have been provided.
Allegations of Harassment Against Conant’s Family by Bar Owner
In a more recent event, Roche Bar co-owner Steve Amey was utilizing social media to harass and otherwise terrorize Conant’s family.
Why would the owner of the bar choose to spend his time stalking the victim’s family when he has never acknowledged or otherwise addressed the situation publicly?

This is just one of a myriad of questions that will be asked during the eventual criminal trial in this senseless loss of life.
Awaiting Justice and Answers
If Koehn is ultimately charged, another pressing question that will demand an answer is how did her criminal actions undertaken in her professional employment not violate any portion of Port Huron Police Department’s policies and procedures??

The Conant family, along with the community, has continued to press the Port Huron City Council and newly appointed Chief of Police Brian Kerrigan for many other answers that have not been forthcoming.
Various statements issued by Chief Kerrigan throughout this matter are contradicted by the numerous videos BWC staff members and residents have viewed.

The community has long called for an outside agency to undertake an intense investigation into both city officials and the city’s police department due to the long-running culture of corruption that has permeated Port Huron for decades.
Those cries are now echoed with the demand for #JusticeForJosh.

We will update this story as more details become available.
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